Why Mobile SEO Matters?

Why Mobile SEO Matter?

Why Mobile SEO Matters?
Why Mobile SEO Matters?


Mobile SEO is even more prevalent than ever. Organic searches have increased immensely on mobile devices. People literally do everything on their phones. In fact, to prove our point, you are probably reading this article on your phone! Simply making your site responsive is not optimized for mobile; it is not just about fitting on the smaller screen. 

Since Google announced they would start mobile-first indexing businesses, you should have an SEO strategy for mobile and desktop because most sites rank differently in searches depending on the search’s device. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly by now, it will hurt your search ranking. Many aspects make sites optimized for mobile, and now that you know how important it is for your site, brand, and business, we are ready to share these best practices up our sleeves.

Speed It Up

This is a very crucial aspect for both mobile and desktop SEO. People can be extremely impatient, so if your site does not load in a blink of an eye, the searcher will most likely go back and try your competitor’s site. In fact, 40% of consumers will wait no more than 3 seconds before abandoning the site. People want answers now. Site speed is important for SEO efforts because if speed is low, it will cause an increase in bounce rates. Also, Google users come first, and if they constantly get impatient with your site and leave before it loads, Google will drop you in the rankings. 

Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover Does Not Apply to Websites

We live in a society where most people have a smartphone in their pocket, and because of this, your website needs to be easily viewable on their device. Responsive web design stats show that it’s wise to appeal to desktop and mobile viewers.

However, being responsive isn’t enough these days; you need to go a bit further than this. There is more to it than just making everything fit onto a smaller screen. Mobile optimization reformats and redesigns elements so that way they more appropriately fit. For example, your website’s navigation menu plays a vital role in how users find and access pages on your website. If your navigation is too difficult to use or too difficult to find what they are looking for, users will get frustrated and leave your site. Hamburger menus are popular to use on mobile screens.

Another design aspect to consider is the amount of content you have on the mobile site. Scrolling endlessly is not appealing. Something even worse is having to zoom in to read anything on the site; that takes up more time, and more than likely, your mobile viewer is on the move.

Avoid Pop-Ups like the Plague

We live in an ad-blocker world. Even if your cute pop-up message does show, the user will probably get frustrated and not even pay attention to what you are offering. This frustration with pop-ups is the effect of other businesses needing to design them and over-using them properly. If you want to use a pop-up, ensure the “x” is easily visible and clickable because people hate zooming in to click on an icon.

Local SEO is HUGE on Mobile

People these days don’t seem to slow down. Everyone is always on the move. Not to mention, people can be very impatient when trying to run a bunch of errands around town. Therefore, local SEO becomes a huge factor because those people use “near me” like it’s going out of style. They want the quickest answer that is closest to them. People want things to cater to their needs, and location qualifiers will help your business and them at the moment.

Since mobile devices have become such a crucial factor in search rankings, creating different desktop and mobile SEO strategies is necessary. We specialize in this field and have the tools and expertise necessary to help drive your business’s success by improving your search engine ranking. Contact The AD Leaf for our mobile and desktop SEO strategy services.

How can The AD Leaf help you?

You are busy running your business as it is, so working on your website’s SEO Mobile friendly version might be too time-consuming, especially if you don’t have much experience! That’s why it’s important to have on your side a marketing firm that can improve your SEO mobile user experience targeted to your goals, audience, and industry! Our team works together seamlessly to achieve your business goals, so give us a call today at 321-255-0900 or fill out our contact form! We are just a click or call away.

About The Author

The AD Leaf Studio Central FL The AD Leaf Studio Central FL