Using Social Media To Reopen Your Business

With many social restrictions being lifted within the next month, how do you plan to reopen your business? Chances are a social media method of marketing that has come to your mind. After all, marketing is the most effective way to get a message out to the public. Whether you’re a local restaurant, a flooring center, or a specialty store you’re probably very eager to open your doors to the public and begin to operate your business again. One of the most effective ways to ensure a successful reopening is by using social media to keep in contact with your customers and keep them updated on your company.


Companies that have actively utilized social media during the stay at home order have the biggest advantage. By keeping communication clear and readily available they will be fresh in the minds of customers who are looking forward to returning to normal life and supporting businesses again. Companies that have canceled communication or haven’t used social media to engage with their customers will have a harder challenge when reopening. A startling fact is that 62% of Americans get their news updates from social media. With that being said, keeping an open line of communication with your customers has never been more important to your business. If your company is currently not using social media during this time, don’t delay any further, update your customers of what’s going on for your company, don’t disappear on your customers when they need you most! 


One of the most beneficial things your business can do on social media to announce your relaunching is by creating a Facebook ad. You can use these ads to target locations, demographics, and interests to directly target your desired audience. These ads will be able to be seen by hundreds to thousands of people per day and possibly, even more, depending on your budget and ad duration. You can also choose different campaign objectives such as brand awareness, traffic to your website, lead generation, and even a call now button to get your customers engaged and ready to do business with you. A great way to utilize these is to discuss the plans of your company when your door reopens. Are you running any specials, discounts, or events? Are you changing your companies service lines or structure? These are great things that you can promote to bring the attention back to your brand. There are also other social media ads that you can run such as Pinterest ads that also can effectively capture the attention of your target audience to bring business back to you when you need it most. Visibility and getting noticed should be one of your biggest goals for marketing at this time. Without visibility, your customers will not know if you are open or closed which can be especially damaging when your customers need you most. Many people have been quarantined for over a month and returning to normal life is one of their main priorities moving forward. Now is the time to let your customers know what’s going on and get them excited about your brand. 


Using social media to communicate with your customers as well as engage with them also shows that your brand has a personable approach. With everyone dealing with hard times, now is the best time to show the vulnerable side of your company. Use it to show empathy, and show ways that you’re helping in the community and with your customer. Show ways that you are helping your workers or keeping them safe such as social distancing and sanitary practices. Difficult times like our current situation show the true character and values of a company. Use this to your advantage to show your customers why they can trust you and should do business with you. Companies that can handle the situation well and show that they care will be able to capture the most business and trust of the customer. 


It doesn’t have to al be about business though. Social media can also be used in a lighthearted approach to keep customers engaged while also having some fun. Some great ideas would be to have customers share their experiences and photos on your company page. You can also hold contests that allow customers to engage with your account to be entered into a drawing or raffle for free prizes and services. Many social media users have been bombarded with news updates about the coronavirus and seeing a post unrelated to the virus that allows them to have a little fun can be very appealing to the customer. Change up your social media posting strategy to give your customers an escape from reality while keeping them engaged with your company. 


By following these social media techniques along with an effective reopening strategy you will be able to open your business back up successfully and resume business with your customers and hopefully gain some new ones in the process. Now is not the time to retreat from social media and your customer, now is the time to re-evaluate your strategy and reconnect with your customers. Are you interested in reopening your business with the help of social media? We can help you! Contact us by phone at (321)-255-0900 or by email at

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The AD Leaf Studio Central FL The AD Leaf Studio Central FL