Marketing Tips for Lawyers

5 Marketing Tips For Lawyers

Social media may not inherently seem like it should be a priority for your law firm. However, social media can be a key element of your marketing strategy for finding new clients. 71% of law firms receive clients from social media. Investing in your social media strategy is a worthwhile investment, and here’s 5 tips to help you get started.

1. Research Your Ideal Client

Your social posts could have the most interesting content and still be overlooked because it is not reaching the right audience. When you know who you want to reach, you can craft your social media strategy around making relevant content to reach them. Knowing your audience can help you target specific hashtags, content, and even platform prioritization that will increase the opportunities for your target demographic to find you!

2. Search Engine Optimization – Marketing Tips for Lawyers

If you are frustrated that your website is a second page result on Google, optimizing your social media platforms will help to bump your law firm up the list! Once you know your audience, you can use that information to strategize for the best things to include in your content that will help it to pop up when they search. For example, posting specific legal advice can help for your company to pop up when someone searches for “legal advice in my city.”
Check out our article on SEO Strategies for 2024 to learn more ways to build your search engine presence.

3. Be the Legal Expert

With the growth of platforms like TikTok, where short videos thrive, your content will need to show why viewers should listen to you instead of swiping away to the next thing. Showing yourself in a professional setting (for example, an office or conference room) in professional attire will already set your content apart. Presenting this along with building content around legal advice can help to build that professional brand and to solidify the credibility of your firm.

4. Talk with Your Audience!

One of the defining features of social media is the ability to interact. For example, the Wendy’s Twitter account is notorious for its entertaining responses to other users. Interaction could be the key to enhancing your law firm’s social media presence, as it brings more organic attention to your accounts! Two easy strategies to increase your social media interactions are to make sure to reply to all new comments on your recent posts and message new followers with a thank you message for the follow!

5. Boosted Posts and Lead Generation

Even with all of the above tips in mind, there are tons of social media posts out there that each platform’s algorithm sifts through. Sometimes, even your followers get left behind and all of your beautiful content goes unseen! To prevent this, it is a good idea to set aside a budget for boosting different posts and maybe running lead-generating ads on your social media platforms. Boosting a post makes the post more likely to be seen by both your followers and by people who match your target audience. Lead-generating ads boost your posts by creating ads in your target audience’s newsfeed that they can interact with. That interaction generates a lead that you can follow up on and create a new client! This can be crucial when attempting to use social media to generate new business for your law firm.

More About Marketing Tips For Lawyers

Law practices of all sizes need a professional and knowledgeable team to help them stay ahead in this ever changing industry. We can provide the tools you need, from social media expertise through SEO implementation so that your business has everything it needs for success!

Why choose The AD Leaf?

At The AD Leaf, we have a team full of social media experts who are ready to help you strategize and create the perfect brand voice for you! We understand that every law firm is unique, and we will work closely with you to create a personalized social media plan that accurately represents your brand and reaches your target audience.

About The Author

The AD Leaf Studio Central FL The AD Leaf Studio Central FL