Daniel Combs Daniel Combs

Image With a Check Mark

Two Ways to Attract Leads: Google Ads vs Google Guaranteed

Image With a Check Mark
Two Ways to Attract Leads: Google Ads vs Google Guaranteed

The success of your business mostly depends on your ability to market your company and brand. There have been two primary mainstays to help accomplish this goal: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Google Ads. But a third platform has been on the horizon for the past three years: Google Guaranteed.

While Google Ads has some longevity in the paid ads arena, Google Guaranteed is just getting started and looks like a long-term stay in the market. We’ll take a look at the new guy, Google Guaranteed, what he brings to the table compared to Google Ads, and why both have a valid place in the marketing atmosphere.

The New Guy: Google Guaranteed

There are many various types of advertising that you can use when developing marketing campaigns for your company, one of which is advertising with Local Services Ads, known as Google Guaranteed, a marketing tool provided by Google for local businesses. The Google Guaranteed program, which enables you to advertise your local business in the home services sector, is a key component of this solution.

Google originally developed this particular advertising platform in 2019 to support lead generation and ensure that clients obtain top-notch service from a business that they have verified. With this service, Google guarantees the legitimacy of the services you provide. If a buyer is dissatisfied and wants a return, they are covered up to $2,000 by Google. This platform has continuously gained popularity for businesses since its introduction.

The Veteran: Google Ads

Google Ads is an advertising platform that has been around for a long time, since October 2000, and actually went by the name of Google AdWords, this platform has been the standard go-to for businesses to advertise. Since it’s inception, Google Ads has become a multi-billion dollar ads platform for Google.

They continue to dominate the ads landscape and look for ways to improve the platform. For example, within the past couple of years, they launched Lead Form Extensions for Google Ads. This allows a contact form link to show with your ad, so someone can contact your business immediately, and you can even add customized questions to ask to help ensure you’re only getting qualified leads.

Ok, So What's the Difference?

While both Google Ads and Google Guaranteed are great advertising platforms, they have unique standout properties. Google Ads is a Pay Per Click platform, while Google Guaranteed is a Pay Per Lead business model. This is the primary difference that makes these such great advertising models, and your business can benefit from either or both, depending on your marketing goals.

Google Ads - Pay Per Click (PPC)

If you want a quick turnaround for leads, then Google Ads is the way to go for your business. They are the industry leaders when it comes to paid ads and even though you can acquire leads in the shortest time, it still takes a well planned ads strategy in order to be effective.

Google Ads is not a “set it and forget it” strategy, it takes consistent monitoring and updates to your ads in order to find the right target market, so the leads can start flowing in. With Google Ads, your ads appear at the top of the search results page above the “organic” listings (SEO).

Another benefit is that Google Ads is a robust platform and has many options in order to effectively show your ads to the right consumers. You can set up many different ad types:

Search Ads – These are the basic ads that show on the Google search results when you search for “Men’s Running Shoes” for example. They had a small AD square next to the listing.

Display Ads – Ads that have images to showcase your business that can appear on various websites and apps.

Smart Ads – These are mostly automated ad campaigns that can be beneficial when you have a small or limited ads budget.

This is just a small roster of the many campaigns and ads available with Google Ads. They can be a good starting point to get the leads you need to help grow your business, and one highlight is that they are available to almost every type of business.

Google Guaranteed - Local Service Ads

Ok, here’s the (fairly) new kid on the block; Google Guaranteed. It only just launched back in 2019, but has caught the attention of many business owners as another option for bringing in new leads. While Google Ads focuses on displaying ads for people to click on, Google Guaranteed took a different approach: pay per lead.

It’s also known as Local Service Ads, and as the name implies, they are geared toward local business to help them draw in local traffic. Another great benefit is that Local Service Ads will appear above Google Ads, placing them in the highest priority when it comes to paid ads.

Well, doesn’t Google Ads do the same thing?

To an extent, yes, but with Google Ads, they can work for businesses that service locally, regionally, or nationally.

The Google Guaranteed difference is that:

  1. You’re paying per lead
  2. The lead is contacting you directly
  3. If a client is unsatisfied with your service, Google reimburses them, not your business.

So Why Would I Not Just Go With Google Guaranteed Instead of Google Ads?

Google Guaranteed is limited to certain service-based industries, and there is a verification process. While this may seem to limit for some businesses, one of the reasons Google created this amazing platform is to help fight against fraudulent practices by some businesses taking advantage of customers with misleading services.

While there is a verification process, it’s not painful at all. Google will require information that you will already have:

  • Business License
  • Proof of Insurance
  • Background Check (at no cost to you!)
  • Google Reviews

Ok, Now I Understand, so Which One Is Best for Me?

Both platforms are great and understanding your business needs, we can help you determine which, or if both, will be valuable to you. Google Ads is not as limiting as Google Guaranteed, although there are a few regulated industries. If you want to have a variety of ads at your disposal, Google Ads is the way to go.

If you want to target more qualified leads and are in a qualified home service industry, then Google Guaranteed is a better fit. You get the benefit of leads contacting you directly, and you can book them right in the Local Service Ads platform mobile app.

Who's the Winner?

When it comes to having the most effective paid ads strategy, there’s no one winner over the other. Both have a place in your overall marketing strategy and can work together. But now we come to the part that we can’t avoid, Google is a Pay to Play business platform, and the obvious must be said: businesses that have higher ads budgets get more leads. There’s no other way around it. Because of the vast competition out there, companies with good ad spend budgets do fair better than companies with lower budgets.

That’s why The AD Leaf is here. We’ll help you navigate the paid ads marketing space to ensure you’re successful. Minimize the stress and maximize your profits; be ready for a stronger Fall holiday season that’s quickly approaching. Connect with us by phone at 321-255-0900 or email info@theadleaf.com.

Running a Local Based Business? Let's talk Google Guaranteed

Running a Local Based Business? Let’s Talk Google Guaranteed

Ok, you’re running a new or established small business in your city or region, and you’re wondering how to promote your business. Well, you’re not alone as many home service business owners often struggle with this question. There are the obvious choices out there that are commonly known: Google Ads, Search Engine Optimization, Facebook Ads & Marketplace, and other prominent platforms.

But there is another option that’s geared toward local small businesses, and that’s Google Guaranteed. What is Google Guaranteed, and how does this help my business? Google launched this platform targeted for small business advertising for local based businesses in 2018, and it has gained a lot of traction as well as attention in the few short years it’s been available. It basically means that Google guarantees the service you work with is a valid business with a good reputation.

So, if you’re running a local based home service business and want to know how to promote your business, it’s time to talk about Google Guaranteed for your small business advertising needs because it could be the best way of advertising your business.

How Does This Help Me in Local Business Advertising?

As we mentioned, the Google Guaranteed program helps to spotlight home service providers that are certified by Google and places an eye catching and visible Green checkmark badge with your ad at the top of search page results.

Google Guaranteed Badge

This is designed to let potential customers know that Google backs your business and that if a client is not satisfied with the service, they can be reimbursed up to a max dollar amount established by Google.

Is There an Application Process?

Yes, the process is simple. Google will verify your:

  • Background Checks (no cost to you)
  • Business License
  • Insurance
  • Online Reviews

Google Guaranteed helps people have more confidence in your business and know that Google has already pre-screened your business already.

Benefits of Google Guaranteed

  • You can target customers who are searching for local based services
  • You can target customers who are ready to make a purchase
  • You can target customers who need an immediate service

The Google Guaranteed badge signifies that your company has passed a high standard of responsibility and integrity from Google and that you are a legitimate business offering quality services to customers.

Is Google Guaranteed Worth It?

Yes, it is. Since it’s launch, it’s becoming more prominent in Google’s platform of services with it being geared toward helping local based home service businesses. One of the big differences compared to Google Ads is that you are paying per lead, and not per click. This is why Google places Google Guaranteed ads above even the paid ads. They’re putting a huge emphasis on generating direct leads coming straight to you, so you only pay for leads that contact you.

You can then respond directly to a potential customer’s inquiry and help build a relationship with them that can lead to a sale. Google is continuing to add more home service industries to the list of eligible businesses that can be Google Guaranteed.

Learn More About How to Promote Your Business

If you are looking to take advantage of this great Google platform and generate direct leads, then we need to talk about Google Guaranteed. We are Google Guaranteed specialists and can help your business grow through the power of Local Services Ads. Our experienced and dedicated team can get you started today, contact us at (321) 255-0900 or send an email to info@theadleaf.com.

You Want Me to Design What?

You Want Me to Design What?

What separates good graphic design from great graphic design? You will get many different answers to this question, but is there a single definitive response? Yes, there is: Having an eye for what works and what doesn’t. This is what takes graphic design from good to great. It’s looking at a project from many different angles and weighing it against the industry you’re designing for to produce a piece that pulls someone in and causes them to want to take action on it.

Think of it this way, graphic design skills are the tools, but the eye is the “hand” that wields the tools. Below are 8 design principles that make up having a great “eye” and can mean the difference between someone just looking at your design or a great project that draws people into your message and causes them to act on it.

“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for” – Milton Glaser

Elements of a Great Eye


Every element of your project should flow together seamlessly: text, shapes, imagery. Each part should align to each other and not look like it was just “thrown” together. There is a place for everything. Alignment is critical to give the reader/viewer a “path” to follow in the design.

Visual Hierarchy

The primary focal point is the message you’re relaying to the reader/viewer, so you want to make your message stand out. What you want people to see first needs to have the most attention in your design. Big, bold, fonts; colors based on the industry, etc. This will go a long way to getting the reader’s attention.


This plays well together with visual hierarchy and can help your message stand out even more. Contrast simply means opposites and doesn’t just apply to colors only, it is the opposing of thick vs thin, modern vs traditional, and many other things. It will assist in navigating the viewer to where you want them to go.


Repetition is the overall layout of your design. It helps your project remain organized & consistent. This entails colors, font choices, layout (for certain projects), etc. At most, you should only have:

  • 2 to 3 colors in most instances (use a good color pairing tool).
  • 1 to 2 font styles, or “font family” (one family if the font has many different thicknesses, like Montserrat or Bahnschrift).
  • Consistent layout design, especially if only a certain part of the design changes like a different image or dates.

You don’t want to have all of your elements competing against each other from project to project (outside of normal planned visual hierarchy & contrast implementations).


This is all about organization and placement and goes hand in hand with alignment and repetition. Where does everything go? How does the text go with the images? Where do I need to place the text? Grouping elements together by color, size, shape, etc., will help to keep the overall design clean and uncluttered.


Keeping your design balanced is vital. When the overall design looks messy and sloppy, it can push readers/viewers away and you’ve lost their interest. A great design is well balanced and not overpowering in visual appeal and impact. Are you portraying a message of action? Do you want people to be informed? How about bringing people joy? Keep people’s attention with a balanced design and they’ll be enticed to want to see and know more about your message.


Ok, we’ve mentioned color a few times so far. There is a lot to color that most people don’t know, yet alone understand. Colorology (yes, that is a term, you can Google it) is a vast area when it comes to great graphic design. Colors can cause people to respond in certain ways. A staggering 85% of buying decisions are made just on color alone. Logos are the “frontline” of marketing. How many times have we stopped at a McDonald’s just seeing the “golden arches”? Was it a planned trip? No, we just saw the bright logo and stopped in and grabbed something to eat. Color goes a long way in portraying your message.

Oh, and by the way, Yellow is optimistic & youthful, it grabs the attention of window shoppers. Think about that the next time you stop and grab a Big Mac or walk into a store because you saw the Yellow ##% off sale sign in the window.


Adding space to your design can help drive the focus to the area that contains your message. Most often this is called “negative space”, areas of the design that doesn’t contain any design elements. It can often be a solid color, or even blurred out parts of an image (such as part of the background image). Using this effectively when needed will make your design stand out and allow for a huge impact.

The Final Draft

In great graphic design, some or all of the above elements are used to convey a message to your readers/viewers. The most important first step is to look at graphic design as a consumer and not as a designer. Start with asking questions to yourself. What makes me interact and engage with a graphic? How do I respond to the overall design of a graphic that I’ve seen? What is it that pulls me in and keeps my attention?

Having the skills along with the eyes for graphic design in one package are hard to come by and here at The AD Leaf ®, our designers have both. They are ready & desire to take your projects to great new heights. Give us a call at 321-255-0900 and let us help you make your graphics pop! (Ok, I had to use it at least once, lol)